Tourism Management & Quality of Life
(1st Term)
Implemented a variety of measures to improve the visitor experience and sustain address concerns of residents, including:
- Removal of abandoned vehicles.
- Kapaʻa Skatepark, and pop-up skateparks.
- Virtually shut down the illegal TVR industry; from an estimated 1,400 illegal TVRs to less than 50 today.
- Improved maintenance County Parks and public facilities.
- Parking Fees for visitors at County Parks.
- New Kauaʻi Transient Accommodation Tax (TAT) to fortify County Budget.
- “Kūpuna Hour” at the DMV.
(2nd Term)
Continuing initiatives, including:
- Finishing the coastal bike path in Kapaʻa.
- Implementing Westside locations for multi-purpose path projects.
- Reducing the number of rental cars on island.
- New strategies for more tourism fees for county-subsidized services.
- Continue monitoring illegal vacation rentals to ensure a spike in the industry never occurs again.