Tourism Management & Quality of Life


(1st Term)

Implemented a variety of measures to improve the visitor experience and sustain address concerns of residents, including:

  1. Removal of abandoned vehicles.
  2. Kapaʻa Skatepark, and pop-up skateparks.
  3. Virtually shut down the illegal TVR industry; from an estimated 1,400 illegal TVRs to less than 50 today.
  4. Improved maintenance County Parks and public facilities.
  5. Parking Fees for visitors at County Parks.
  6. New Kauaʻi Transient Accommodation Tax (TAT) to fortify County Budget.
  7. Kūpuna Hour” at the DMV.


(2nd Term)
Continuing initiatives, including:

  1. Finishing the coastal bike path in Kapaʻa.
  2. Implementing Westside locations for multi-purpose path projects.
  3. Reducing the number of rental cars on island.
  4. New strategies for more tourism fees for county-subsidized services.
  5. Continue monitoring illegal vacation rentals to ensure a spike in the industry never occurs again.