Infrastructure & Land Use


(1st Term)
Several significant milestones were achieved, including:

  1. Completed the award-winning West Kauaʻi Community Plan and secured its approval by the County Council.
  2. Repaved 126 “lane miles” (or 63 “road miles”) of county roads since 2018.
  3. Acquired 400 acres in Waimea (“Waimea 400”) and completed community led plan for its development.
  4. Acquired electric vehicles and buses for county operations.


(2nd Term)
Expanding and completing investments in County infrastructure and performing overdue “deferred maintenance,” including a total of an additional 282 “lane miles (141 “road miles”) to be resurfaced:

  1. Hanapēpē Bridge repairs.
  2. Kawaihau, Maʻilihuna, and Haua‘ala Road.
  3. Kīpū and Kōloa Bridge repairs.
  4. Moi Road sidewalks.
  5. Repaving of Olohena, Kukui and ʻUlu roads.
  6. Safe Routes to School projects at Kōloa and King Kaumuali’i schools.
  7. Repairing and upgrading waste water systems that are long overdue.
  8. Launch the Climate Adaptation Plan
  9. Introduce form-based code legislation for plantation camp style development
  10. Continue Island-wide road reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of smaller bridges such as Anahola Bridge, Yasutake Bridge (Kamalu Road) and ʻĀkulikuli Bridge #2 on Kahuna Road.